Summer offers

Regardless of how June settles, with a new hist’ high (5505 as of June 20th), its to be seen as a net bullish month. Monthly momentum is powerfully strong, as all cooling waves remain very limited.

The summer does threaten some unrest though…

-French & UK Elections.
-Trump, and related political chatter.
-Geo-political upsets via Israel/middle east, and Ukraine/Russia.

Between now and the Nov’5th election (assuming there is one), we should expect market volatility to increase from the current VIX 13s.

If you love drama, the US equity/capital market should provide it, and more so… into the fall.

Summer offers

6 months at $17 a month for $102 (+ ONE month of free time)
12 months at $15 a month for $180 (+ THREE months of free time).

-Payment for each offer is in one lump sum.
-Offers valid until midnight EDT, Sunday July 31st, 2024

You can pay via Stripe, which takes payments, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Link.

Six months >

Twelve months >

You’re also welcome to Pay via Paypal.
See >

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