Many thanks for your payment!
You should have received an email confirmation of the transaction from Paypal.
Q. What happens now?
If you are an existing subscriber, who has just renewed, nothing more needs to be done!
If you are a NEW subscriber…
Please wait for me to email you a username and password.
Q. How long until I receive a username/password?
Normally you will receive your login details within one hour.
However, even yours truly needs to sleep, and as I live in the UK, please understand that if you make a subscription payment after 5pm EST, it might take until the next morning before you hear back from me.
If you don’t hear back from me within 18 hours…
-Twitter. Whilst I don’t usually accept DMs (direct messages), you can tweet to @TradingSunset , I will receive a notification, and I will then reply via DM.
Q. Where is the subscriber content/where do I login?
The subscriber/login page is
Please ensure you allow a cookie for the domain
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Page last updated: August 22nd 2020